Over the years, we’ve had some of our shows run their course, either because the source material ended (Star Trek: Picard, Kenobi), or because it’s something we’re not sure if the source material is ever going to come back (The Book of Boba Fett). So here, you can find links to these old shows and all the episodes we produced under those show titles. Have fun picking through these archives!

Season Three
The Final Series Spectacular! (Patrons Only)

Season Two
Unfortunately, there was no time for a recap of season two when it aired. We touch on it here and there in our season three re-cap special!

Season One
10 - “Et in Arcadia, Part 2” (Patrons Only)
9 - “Et in Arcadia, Part 1” (Patrons Only)
8 - “Broken Pieces” (Patrons Only)
7 - “Nepenthe” (Patrons Only)
6 - “The Impossible Box” (Patrons Only)
5 - “Stardust City Rag” (Patrons Only)
4 - “Absolute Candor” (Patrons Only)
3 - “The End is the Beginning” (Patrons Only)
2 - “Maps and Legends” (Patrons Only)
1 - “Remembrance”

Installment #5 (Patrons Only) [Covers Part VI]
Installment #4 (Patrons Only) [Covers Part V]
Installment #3 (Patrons Only) [Covers Part IV]
Installment #2 (Patrons Only) [Covers Part III]
Installment #1 (Patrons Only) [Covers Parts I & II]

#7 - “In the Name of Honor” (Patrons Only) - SEASON FINALE
#6 - “From the Desert Comes a Stranger” (Patrons Only)
#5 - “Return of the Mandalorian” (Patrons Only)
#4 - “The Gathering Storm” (Patrons Only)
#3 - “The Streets of Mos Espa” (Patrons Only)
#2 - “The Tribes of Tatooine” (Patrons Only)
#1 - “Stranger in a Strange Land” (Patrons Only)

The Mandalorian Half-Hour is a new Star Wars-centric bonus show from WHM where the guys are re-capping the Disney+ hit, The Mandalorian! The first episode went out to the masses, but from episode 2 on, the show will be featured exclusively on our Patreon. Don’t miss a minute of this new podcast as the gang chats about everything from codpiece armor to Ugnaught widowers!

Season Three
Chapter 24: The Return (Patrons Only)
Chapter 23: The Spies (Patrons Only)
Chapter 22: Guns for Hire (Patrons Only)
Chapter 21: The Pirate (Patrons Only)
Chapter 20: The Foundling (Patrons Only)
Chapter 19: The Convert (Patrons Only)
Chapter 18: The Mines of Mandalore (Patrons Only)
Chapter 17: The Apostate (Patrons Only)

Season Two
Chapter 16: The Rescue (Patrons Only)
Chapter 15: The Believer (Patrons Only)
Chapter 14: The Tragedy (Patrons Only)
Chapter 13: The Jedi (Patrons Only)
Chapter 12: The Siege (Patrons Only)
Chapter 11: The Heiress (Patrons Only)
Chapter 10: The Passenger (Patrons Only)
Chapter 9: The Marshal (Patrons Only)

Season One
Chapter 8: Redemption (Patrons Only)
Chapter 7: The Reckoning (Patrons Only)
Chapter 6: The Prisoner (Patrons Only)
Chapter 5: The Gunslinger (Patrons Only)
Chapter 4: Sanctuary (Patrons Only)
Chapter 3: The Sin (Patrons Only)
Chapter 2: The Child (Patrons Only)
Chapter 1: The Mandalorian